Joe Lok 駱偉民

Taoist designate Bright and Clear 道號明清

Dragon Gate Taoist  20th generation 全真龍門  第二十代 傳人  Phoenix in Graceful Clouds of Blessing Qigong 鳳舞祥雲氣功     Immortals Crossing the Sea Tai Chi 八仙過海太極

Daogong 道功

Nine Ways Eight Methods 九象八法

鳳舞祥雲 氣功 八仙過海 太極 道家精粹 道功 九象八法 行氣活血 消煩解痛 增強體能 提升免疫 祛病長春 Phoenix in Graceful Clouds of Blessing Qigong, Immortals Crossing the Sea Tai Chi, practices of healing, relieve pain, alleviate stress and upgrade health.

Phoenix in Graceful Clouds of Blessing 鳳舞祥雲

Healing Qigong 養生氣功

The form is designed for the practice of healing through the exercise of energy flow in the body to clear blockages, relieve pain and stress, and improve immunity. 行氣血 通閉塞 消煩解痛 提升免疫

Immortals Crossing the Sea 八仙過海

Taoist Tai Chi 道功太極

This form is designed to convey the authentic tai chi principles to make tai chi practice more enjoyable, rewarding and healing. if the precise instructions in the videos are closely followed, a high level of performance would be trained out. 道功太極 循道家理念 合太極真傳 練可養生 演為藝術 動輒可以防身