Joe Lok 駱偉民

Taoist designate Bright and Clear

Dragon Gate Taoist  20th generation, Founder of  Phoenix in Graceful Clouds of Blessing Qigong  &   Immortals Crossing the Sea Tai Chi

Rotation of the Seven Stars Qigong 轉七星氣功

Online Course

An authentic heritage of profound methods in health and healing presented with a systematic approach, revealing the secrets and simplifying the complications to maximize the benefits. A qigong practice for extraordinary accomplishments to upgrade health naturally at leisure 先賢傳承的奧妙修煉玄機,道理超凡, 系統化的教學,深入淺出,務求效益 閒適修煉,自然養生


鳳舞祥雲氣功 Phoenix in Graceful Clouds of Blessing Healing Qigong 八仙過海太極 Immortals Crossing the Sea Tai Chi


駱偉民 Joe Lok

道號明清 全真龍門 第二十代傳人 Taoist Designate Bright and Clear Dragon Gate 20th generation Profound theories and authentic instructions in a scientific approach with simple methods for effective results benefiting students worldwide 循道理 依法度 論科學 跟傳統 簡易教學 注重效益 受惠學員遍佈世界

Rotation of the Seven Stars Qigong 轉七星氣功

Human in Harmony with Nature 道法自然


The wisdom of the ancestors in observing the miraculous phenomena in the evolution of the universe and associating such phenomena scientifically with health and healing is precious and must be passed on. It is my obligation and honor to spread the knowledge for the benefit of everyone.



To pass on the practice is a virtue. The Rotation of the Seven Stars Qigong is created for healing. The spreading of such benefits thrives on popularity. Therefore, the methods must be explained in detail and the forms must be demonstrated precisely to set a standard for effective training. Hopefully the practice would be widely accepted. 

I have to make sure that learners, both beginners and the advanced levels, could comprehend the gist of the practice. Internal energy has to be commanded to trigger the numerous health benefits. 

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Draft Ebook with text and photos

    • Book Part 1 Apple ePub

    • Book Part 2 Apple ePub

    • Book Part 3 Apple ePub

    • Book Part 1 PDF

    • Book Part 2 PDF

    • Book Part 3 PDF

  • 2

    Chapter zero Wuji

  • 3

    Chapter one Hunyuan

    • 1.0 Hunyuan demo.mp4

    • 1.1.1 Hunyuan primordial chaos.mp4

    • 1.1.2 Hunyuan Embracing Dan Tian 1.mp4

    • 1.1.3 Hunyuan Embracing Dan Tian 2.mp4

    • 1.2.0 Hunyuan Expansion demo.mp4

    • 1.2.1 Hunyuan Expansion.mp4

    • 1.3.1 Hunyuan Embracing Energy 1.mp4

    • 1.3.2 Hunyuan Embracing Energy 2.mp4

    • 1.4.1 Hunyuan governing channel.mp4

    • 1.4.2 Hunyuan Open Tai Chi.mp4

    • 1.5 Hunyuan Consolidation.mp4

  • 4

    Chapter two Tai Chi

    • 2.0 Tai Chi demo.mp4

    • 2.1 Tai Chi the universe.mp4

    • 2.2.1 Tai Chi Earth Rotation 1.mp4

    • 2.2.2 Tai Chi Earth Rotation 2.mp4

    • 2.3 Tai Chi Heaven Rotation.mp4

  • 5

    Chapter three Three Tiers

    • 3.0.1 Three Tiers demo.mp4

    • 3.1.1 Connect Heaven and Earth 1.mp4

    • 3.1.2 Connect Heaven and Earth 2.mp4

    • 3.2 Three Tiers Dan Tian Rotation.mp4

    • 3.3 Hunyuan Tai Chi Three Tiers individual movements practice.mp4

  • 6

    Chapter four Four Phases

    • 4.0 Four Phases demo.mp4

    • 4.1.0 Dragon demo.mp4

    • 4.1.1 Four Phases Four Animals.mp4

    • 4.1.2 Four Phases Dragon.mp4

    • 4.1.3 Four Phases Heavenly Ladder.mp4

    • 4.1.4 Four Phases Soaring Dragon.mp4

    • 4.2.0 Tiger demo.mp4

    • 4.2.1 Four Phases Tiger.mp4

    • 4.2.2 Human Dragon Tiger demo.mp4

    • 4.3.0 Phoenix demo.mp4

    • 4.3.1 Four Phases Phoenix 1.mp4

    • 4.3.2 Four Phases Phoenix 2.mp4

    • 4.3.3 Dragon Tiger Phoenix no steps.mp4

    • 4.3.4 Dragon Tiger Phoenix with steps.mp4

    • 4.4.0 Snake Turtle demo.mp4

    • 4.4.1 Snake and Turtle 1.mp4

    • 4.4.2 Snake and Turtle 2.mp4

  • 7

    Chapter five Five Elements

    • 5.0.1 Five Elements demo.mp4

    • 5.0.2 Five Elements introduction.mp4

    • 5.0.3 Five Elements san ti stand.mp4

    • 5.1.1 Five Elements Gold 1.mp4

    • 5.1.2 Five Elements Gold 2.mp4

    • 5.2 Five Elements Water.mp4

    • 5.3 Five Elements Wood.mp4

    • 5.4 Five Elements Fire.mp4

    • 5.5.1 Five Elements horizontal rotation.mp4

    • 5.5.2 Five Elements Earth.mp4

    • 5.6.1 Five Elements the training.mp4

    • 5.6.2 Five Elements the form.mp4

    • 5.7 Dan Tian Four Phases Five Elements demo.mp4

  • 8

    Chapter six Six Harmony

    • 6.0 Six Harmony demo.mp4

    • 6.1 Six Harmony Rolling Sphere.mp4

    • 6.2 Six Harmony Tumblng Sphere.mp4

    • 6.3 Six Harmony Conclusion.mp4

  • 9

    Chapter seven Seven Stars

    • 7.0 Seven Stars demo.mp4

    • 7.1.1 Seven Stars Qigong.mp4

    • 7.1.2 Seven Stars - the concept.mp4

    • 7.2 Seven Stars - the circle.mp4

    • 7.3.1 Seven Stars - basic steps 1.mp4

    • 7.3.2 Seven Stars - basic steps 2.mp4

    • 7.4.1 Seven Stars - the orbit 1.mp4

    • 7.4.2 Seven Stars - the orbit 2.mp4

    • 7.4.3 Seven Stars - the orbit 3.mp4

    • 7.4.4 Seven Stars - the orbit 4.mp4

    • 7.5 Seven Stars - the accomplishment.mp4

    • 7.6 Seven Stars - completion.mp4

    • 7.7 Bagua demo.mp4

Rotation of the Seven Stars


The Rotation of the Seven Stars Qigong is aiming to maximize health benefits with the simplest methods. 轉七星氣功,以極簡之法,達至高之養生效益。

Rotation of the Seven Stars Qigong Online Course with EBook US$ 126.99

77 HD videos adding up to 225 minutes or 3 hours and 45 minutes of instructions and demonstrations, with narrations in English and subtitles in Chinese and English