Joe Lok 駱偉民
Taoist designate Bright and Clear 道號明清
Immortals Crossing the Sea Tai Chi 八仙過海太極
Online Course 網上課程
八仙過海 Immortals Crossing the Sea
道功太極 Taoist Tai Chi
For easy learning of tai chi by offering simple but precise instructions on the basics, relaxation, breathing, posture, steps and movements for the energy flow training towards effective health benefits, smooth momentum and a graceful choreography for beginners as well as advancement to mastery.
為求進步 化繁為簡 由淺入深 從基本功出發 悉心勤練 以達至高境界
鳳舞祥雲氣功 Phoenix in Graceful Clouds of Blessing Healing Qigong 八仙過海太極 Immortals Crossing the Sea Tai Chi
駱偉民 Joe Lok
Immortals Crossing the Sea 八仙過海
Taoist Tai Chi 道家太極
Tai Chi is for balance. Any deviation from the equilibrium has to be restored. In the practice of tai chi, the most crucial but difficult are relaxation, breathing, angles, steps and stands. The essential methods of training are clearly illustrated in this online course. 太極者 平衡也 失衡者 必須回歸中和 中和則合道 天地恆久之理也 太極之練習 貴乎 身法 步法 呼吸 放鬆 種種練法 盡在此教學課程之中
Course curriculum
Chapter 2. 電子書 Immortals Tai Chi Book
八仙過海太極書 Immortals Crossing the Sea Tai Chi book - Epub
八仙過海太極書 Immortals Crossing the Sea Tai Chi book - PDF
Chapter 3. 套路演示 Form Demonstration
八仙過海道功太極演示 Immortals Crossing the Sea Tai Chi demo
Chapter 4. 簡介 Introduction
簡介 Introduction
掌形 Palm Shape
無極 Wuji
Chapter 5 教學 Instructions
1. 神龍現身 Emerging Dragon
2. 二郎擔山 Immortal Lifting Mountain
3. 青龍出海 Dragon into Ocean
4. 龍虎風雲 Dragon Tiger Confrontation
5. 騰龍翻身 Flying Dragon
6. 鹽池收妖 Immortal Taming Flood
7. 八仙過海 Immortals Crossing the Sea
8. 遊神折花 Bending Flower Stalk
9. 太公釣魚 Casting Fishing Line
10. 哪吒跨海 Leaping over Ocean
11. 絕影過河 Beyond Shadow
12. 二仙傳道 Two Immortals
13. 劉海戲蟾 Immortal Fishing Toad
14. 重陽架霧 Looking Over Territory
15. 劍仙天遁 Immortal Sacred Sword
16. 仙道臨凡 The Way Descending
Chapter 6. 套路教學 Form Instruction
套路教學 Form instruction
Immortals Tai Chi 八仙過海太極
Harmony and Balance 中和合道